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Pursuing Love In Our Homes

We can design the most beautiful homes, but if we don’t have love in our hearts and homes, does any of it matter? Pursuing love in our homes should be our most important priority.

How do we pursue love more in our homes?

It is time to replace the distractions in our life with more intentional time together. God can help us to replace our worry with trust, loneliness with love, and anxiety with peace in our homes. His love can heal our hearts and exchange unforgiveness for forgiveness, anger for kindness, and frustration for patience. We can create a home that is filled with love.

A house will never really be a home without love.

Today, I would like to share some ideas to inspire us to pursue love more in our homes.

Use Each Room For a Purpose: Connection

Think about the rooms in your home.  What rooms do you use the most in your home? How are you using those rooms to spend quality time with your loved ones?

Lets use our rooms and spaces in our home for connection.

For us, we use our music room to play music together, kitchen to bake together, game room to play games together, playroom to build Legos together, craft area to do crafts together, dining room to eat together, and backyard to play outside together.

It’s important that we try to spend more quality time together that is more intentional. This can be challenging when we are exhausted or need time to ourselves as well. Look at your monthly calendar and weekly schedule and try to carve out more experiences with loved ones which create more quality time together. Write those face to face quality times down in that calendar and go after them. Rest is a priority, but also make connection a top priority.

“Let all that you do be done in love.”1 Corinthians 16:14

Spend More Quality Time With Loved Ones

We can spend evenings and weekends together while not really being together. We can spend days together without really connecting. Just because we are home doesn’t always mean we are together or connecting. We can’t connect with a screen in front of us. We must disconnect from our screens so we can connect more with each other. We were created for connection and face to face time with our loved ones.

In our homes, this could look like baking together, playing music together, completing a craft project together, playing board games, sitting around the campfire in the backyard, having more meals together, reading together, or doing science experiments.

Whatever you choose for your quality time together, make it more special by focusing on your loved one’s love language.

Be Loving in Their Love Language

It’s easy to love each other the way we want to be loved. It takes a little more effort to love each other in the ways we need to be loved.

One of the best books I have read on the topic of love beside the Bible is The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  If you are looking for more specific ways to give love to your family in their love language, this is the book to read. There is also The Five Love Languages of Children and The Five Love Languages of Teenagers by the same author. These books will help to guide you more into pursuing love in your home.

These books show us practical ways that we can offer love in the form of words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch. You can be encouraging to your family on a daily basis and speak to their heart with their love language. Take the short quiz to find their love language and go from there! We enjoyed finding the love language of our son as well. You can also try the free Love Nudge app!

Reflect on Love

Love is the best decoration. Look for inspiring statements about love and hang them up in your home! Talk about these statements with your family. Hanging up love sayings can become great reminders to us in home to practice love. When we have disagreements or frustrations with each other, we can reflect back on these sayings in our home.

Here are a few other inspirational verses for you to reflect on with your family about love. Which ones do you want to hang up in your home?

“Love bears all things (regardless of what comes), believes all things (looking for the best in each one), hopes all things (remaining steadfast during difficult times), endures all things (without weakening).” 1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP

“And now there remain: faith (abiding trust in God and His promises), hope (confident expectation of eternal salvation), love (unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me), these three (the choicest graces); but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 AMP

“Beloved, let us (unselfishly) love and seek the best for one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves (others) is born of God and knows God (through personal experience).” 1 John 4:7 AMP

“I have loved you just as the Father has loved me; remain in My love (and do not doubt My love for you).” John 15:9 AMP

“This (is what) I command you: that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another.”

Celebrate Love in Your Home

I hosted a small Valentines Day party a few years ago for our family, and every year we have spent time making our own homemade Valentine’s Day cards. It takes more time to make homemade cards, but this is something you can start weeks in advance. We can celebrate our family on Valentine’s Day and throughout the year and build in those times together that we will always remember.

Thanks for following along! I hope that some of these ideas inspired you to fill your home with more love this season.

Grateful you are here,



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