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Home With Carolyn

Lego Organization

Help! There are Legos everywhere?!

Well, first of all, that is a good thing that there are Legos everywhere! That’s great that your child enjoys using their imagination and building. I do agree with many people that Legos are pretty awesome. We are avid fans of Legos and have enjoyed buying and building many sets during the long winter months. We have also enjoyed visiting Legoland! More on that in another article!

For now, let’s talk about how in the world we can help our children with their Lego organization.

Try these tips and let me know what works for your family!


1. Take the Legos your child is done building and ask them which ones they want to display in their room! Make two piles. One pile for legos to display and one pile for legos to not display. If you are sentimental like me, take photos of each one that won’t be displayed and make it into a Shutterfly photo book! That way, even when they aren’t on display anymore you can look back at the Shutterfly photo book of Lego pics. I do this from time to time with this photo book.

2. Put the Legos your child decided to display on floating shelves going across the room and the open bookshelves going across the room. I got mine from Target. I actually used them inside my classroom for bins before this purpose, but I’m happy they are being used for legos now. Having legos on both floating shelves and open bookshelf units will give various display points. I also taped led remote lights along the corners and length of the bookshelves so they can be lit up for display. I recommend taping and not sticking since I learned it really won’t come off after putting it on.

3. Take all the pieces that are left over and not being displayed and put them into bins by color. We did this when my son was under the age of 7. It worked well! However, after visiting Legoland and my son exploring Legos more on his own, he wanted them mixed up! We did three colors in each bin now. We do have a separate bin organizer for wheels though and then a separate bin organizer for people and special items. He enjoys diving into a bin now with mixed colors! Do what works for your child at the stage they are in.

We really like our new Lego organizers that stack on top of each other.  I got them in grey and blue.

Note: The picture above is no longer how our playroom looks.  You can read the Light It Up Playroom post on how we changed this room to more closed cabinets.

4. Make sure your child cleans up their Legos when they are done playing! Keep it in one place-their playroom or bedroom. That way, you are not stepping on Lego pieces and getting hurt in your living room. We keep Legos to only these two places. It keeps it all contained which keeps our home cleaner! I do from time to time let my son build in front of the fireplace in the living room, but he has to bring it back to his bedroom or playroom when he is done. It’s okay to tell your kids that your living room is your space.

5. Organize all of those Lego books into binders.  Believe me, you will have a lot as the years go on.

6. Find those Lego people which have been sitting in boxes and display them in a baseplate so your child can see them and use them more often. I wish I did this earlier.

I hope that some of these tips help! Check out my Legoland article if you want to find out more about a trip there!

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