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Rest in Your Faith

I know it does not get any easier with the passing years. We hurt in places we didn’t expect would hurt. We find that we are disappointed more because life didn’t work out the way we had planned it when we were younger.  We work very hard in life and give it our best, but it doesn’t always pay off in our relationships with others because people are broken and imperfect.  We can’t control most things we wish we could control. We become more disappointed with our relationships with our family, and we don’t always know how to make it better since there is only so much we can do. We find that people are more unloving.

“Because lawlessness is increased, the love of most people will grow cold.”-Matthew 24:12

I know there were times when I could not get through various parts of my life without my faith in Christ.  I knew it was then that God carried me through it and pulled me out of the crashing waves I got myself into.  When we give our restlessness and disappointments in our home and life to Christ, he will take that broken part of our heart and fill it with his joy, peace, and contentment.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened (by religious rituals that provide no peace), and I will give you rest (refreshing your souls with salvation).” -Matthew 11:28 AMP

Try it today.  Ask God to take your burdens and disappointments. I know I have had many disappointments as well, and I am offering mine to God each day I need to. I want to invite Christ into these broken places in my heart and into my home.

Allow Christ to come into your home and fill your home with His love. Home is a state of mind. We can find contentment in our home through our faith in Christ.

Psalms 127:1 says that, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”

We can design the most beautiful spaces, but if we don’t invite God’s love into these spaces, does it really matter?

Resting Looked Different For Me

I knew I had to rest, but resting for me looked different than I had thought.  It meant resting in my faith and choosing to rest in the creativity I had bottled up inside of me. It did not look hurried or rushed like many would think when you think of creative energy.  Instead, it looked quiet and peaceful.  It looked reflective and meditative.

When was the last time you reflected on your life?

Maybe, it is time to sit down and reflect. We have all been through so much over these past few years, and I don’t think many of us have taken the time to fully grasp what we experienced or reflect on what happened. We all need to take a moment and reflect to help us enter this peace.

“Peace I leave with you; My (perfect) peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. (Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.”-John 14:27

I am grateful for the peace I can find in my faith with my relationship with Christ.

What does peace look like in your home and heart right now?

I am aiming to create rest, connection, and community in my home.

It is time to rest. We must disconnect from our distractions so we can connect and reconnect again. Lets reprioritize our lives and let ourselves rest again.

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